Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer Stupid School~

Hey, y'all,
Sooo, I have to read "The Taming of the Shrew," a Shakespearean play out of a book the thickness the size of my hand. Anyway, I do not understand the course, so I'm hoping that through the Lord's will, the professor may be able to give me a heads-up on what to do. I knew having an English-Writing major wasn't always going to be easy, but so far, this has been the hardest Eng. course I've taken. And that is saying something. Every semester I think that a class is going to be harder than all the rest I've taken, but that never happens. I always get through them with good grades, and if the Lord wills, I will continue to. I don't understand the point of being called on in class, however. What IS the point? Just to gain insight from students? What if you don't know the answer to the question? You can't just say "pass" or "I don't know." For most professors, it has to be a particular reason WHY I don't know, which is pathetic. A professor is supposed to help the student, not embarrass them. I'm not saying that they don't help. It just seems to be both most of the time, at least in my world. 
My other class of business ethics is honestly more calming than the shakespearean class so far. Maybe it's because I seem to understand that one  better, or maybe it's because I don't need the course for my major and am just taking it to get a second summer course. I need to work that's why, and if I don't take at least two classes in the summer, there's no work and no financial aid. So this is where I am. 
In the mean time, at home, the puppy is chewing up flowers, we know there's a kitten, but unsure where, my cat keeps wandering away from home and coming back off and on cuz he's afraid of a superior kitty, and there just seems to be too much arguing in the house lately. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but it's come to the point where I can't stand it, and seek solace in God and friends, and animals. I was thinking of going to graduate school after I graduate this spring, but I think the shakespearan professor said that that course might be similar to graduate courses, and I don't want to waste time and money if I'd have to work too hard. There's nothing wrong with working hard. I'm not saying that there is. What I'm saying is that I have to decide what God wants, or rather, discover what he wants, and then go for it. It'll be in my best needs, always in His plan, so we'll just have to see,  I guess. In the meantime, please keep my family and I in your prayers and thoughts. I'd very much appreciate it, thanks. :) 
Ta! for now, 
JMG~ :)   

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Hey y'all,
My sheep ewe Sarah died Monday afternoon, May 4th, of pneumonia. :( She'd been sick for a few days, and we had been giving her medicine, but I don't know, I guess it just wasn't enough or something. After bawling until sleep finally came to me on Monday, I slept not so well. But I had Chinese with a good friend yesterday, so that cheered me up. 
I'm feeling pretty down, but I am struggling to keep my trust in God. I guess maybe I didn't have enough faith in Him to make Sarah all better. I hope to the high heavens of the earth that I will not ever regret that. I was a struggling Christian, and still am. I am struggling of putting full faith in Him, so I hope He reaches out to me soon, so that I will be able to, and maybe everything can be able to piece back together again. 
Sarah Winnifred died May 4, 2009 after a short battle with pneumonia. She was born February 10, 2005, at the barn. She was a faithful owner to JMG, and she will be deeply missed. She loved to hang out with her sheep ewe friends, and be a pig at eating anything. When JMG was gone from college, she sometimes avoided her and it took a day or two to win her back. She loved eating out in the pasture, and loved the sunshine. Her best buds were fellow sheep ewes Medora and Yo-Yo. In her entire four years of living, she had four children, twins in the year 2008, and twins again in the year 2009. When they were weaned, she was always sorry to see them go their own ways. She loved to have her cheeks scratched and rubbed, and to just be petted. She loved corn and mineral block, her favorite foods, and JMG often fed her a little extra. She always looked for JMG when she was gone to college, and she was patient until her return. 
She grew up with twin brother Nick, from mother Winnie. She was born late at night, and was all black right away. She and Nick were weaned early, however, when Winnie would not stop jumping fences. She became quickly accustomed to ranch life, and never got sick. She was always happy, healthy and loud. Her bellow often could be heard from the granary, and it was usually when her and her ewes sensed suppertime upon them. She was quite and nurturing, and loved to be hugged. Her face was soft and furry, and she was strong. She was a wonderful mother to her children, and a wonderful ewe to JMG. She will be sorely missed, but remembered very fondly for being a wonderful pet. 
Sarah is preceded in death by her mother, Winnie; her brother Nick; and her sons, Joey and Johnny. 
Sarah is survived by her twin daughters, Jada and Serenity "Nettie"; her owner JMG; and numerous sheep ewe friends. 
Rest in peace, sweet baby girl. I love you so much, and God forgive me for not being able to help you when you needed it most. I will never forget you, and I promise that I'll do anything in my power to keep Jada and Nettie just as safe. ~